Reclaimed Wood Dining Furniture

You’re Getting A One-of-a-Kind 

There is a certain fascinating aura of mystique, mystery and awe associated with barnwood. Especially, when you consider the path a single barnwood board may have traveled. Most of the reclaimed wood furniture is solid hardwood oak. Which, of course, means it started as an acorn falling from a tree.

All solid wood furniture has its own one-of-a-kind natural quality about it—because no piece has the exact same woodgrain or color characteristics. However, barnwood is in a unique category since it has already served one life in a barn structure somewhere in the midwestern United States before it graces your personal living space in the form of barnwood furniture.

Today, with less farming and as these buildings continue to age some are restored close to their original state and others are felled or disassembled piece by piece, so that as much as possible, the precious natural resource – the wood, can be reclaimed. The barnwood process is an excellent green way to preserve the old and vintage and give the precious natural resource – wood – a second life.

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